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Here for your workplace conflict resolution needs

Welcome to De Fusco Mediation and Conflict Management.

De Fusco was established to help individuals in the workplace better manage conflict, be empowered to self-manage situations, and to equip leaders and decision makers with the skills to help them support their workforce when conflict and disputes arise.

Our Founder, Mark De Fusco, is a highly experienced individual who has worked with hundreds of individuals and teams to deliver support, guidance, and training.

Find out more about our two core services, Conflict Coaching and Mediation, and contact us if you need to discuss your situation.


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Mark De Fusco -

your trusted resolution expert

Mark is a qualified Mediator and Conflict Coach and holds a Masters Degree, having attained the MSc Health Through Occupation/Occupational Therapy. He has combined his academic skills with substantive experience in working with people to overcome personal and communication challenges, and deal with conflict, and disputes.

His background includes a deep understanding of mental health and the impact on an individual and how they self-manage situations. In addition, he works with professionals in periods of workplace transition to foster better communication and working environments.

Throughout his career, Mark has been committed to helping people understand how to better deal with conflict and have more positive conversations. As a qualified Mediator and Conflict Coach he works with individuals to unlock resolution of disputes and is often the go-to for internal matters.

Prior to starting his mediation practice, Mark has been employed by leading organisations and has been involved with workplace matters at both an individual and employer level. He is a trained Occupational Therapist and Health and Well-being Advisor and provides supervision and training to staff members, as well as dealing with front line matters.

Mark is known for his calm and professional nature. Being someone who is naturally easy to talk to, clients and professionals warm to him instantly. His approach is people-centred and with a clear emphasis on bringing the parties together to better understand the underlying issues and work towards an agreeable way forwards.

Mark is your ideal professional for your conflict or dispute, whether you are seeking individual support or neutral intervention such as mediation. Please contact him directly if you would like to discuss your situation in confidence.


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Business people shake hands after mediation.
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Happy female business partners handshake sign contracts with lawyer mediation

Mediation is a form of neutral support to assist the people in conflict or a dispute to agree outcomes that are workable and long-lasting.

As your Mediator, I shall work with each person to help you overcome challenges to reaching an agreement. I will work with you on both an individual basis and using joint meetings. Everything remains confidential and will stay strictly between the parties unless there is a requirement to inform a third party about your discussion and final agreement (such as by law or by agreement).

Mediation can take place remotely using Zoom or MS Teams, and in-person, depending on the needs and wishes of everyone involved.


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How Mediation Works


Mediation requires preparation and full commitment from everyone involved. We will start with individual calls which are held on a confidential basis. The purpose of these calls is for me to introduce myself and to explore the issues from each person’s perspective. This is your opportunity to ask questions and better understand what is involved on the day.

The Mediation Session

The mediation session will take place over a number of hours, and are typically a full day, being around 8 hours. However, we can have shorter sessions and conduct the mediation in stages depending on what is needed. As part of the mediation, we will use the time to hold private meetings and joint meetings. I will work with you to identify, clarify, and structure an agreement that works for everyone involved.

The purpose of your mediation is to get into writing your mediation agreement. This is a document that sets out what you have agreed to do (pay money, take action, speak to other professionals, follow a process etc.). Whilst it is not strictly enforceable by the court, it is legally binding under contract law. Each person may have a professional representative (Mediation Advocate) such as a lawyer or other person. However, mediation works much better when the parties speak directly and work with me, your Mediator, to convey your thoughts and feelings, and work towards reaching an agreement.

If you have legal representation, this professional will usually draft the Mediation Agreement and assist you with understanding your key rights and responsibilities before agreeing to any suggested terms.

After the Mediation Session

It is important to have your agreement to hand and that it clearly sets out who is to do what and any key deadlines (i.e. to pay money or take action). Usually, mediation agreements are stuck to by the parties because you have agreed the terms on a mutual basis, and these have not been imposed on you. If one or other person is not upholding their side of the agreement, you may want to consider a further mediation session or to seek advice about your options.

Once the terms of the agreement have been fulfilled, it is a good idea to record this in writing by sending a formal email or letter to the other person(s) to confirm that the terms have been fulfilled and this brings the dispute to an end.


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Conflict Coaching


Conflict Coaching is a service which is provided to individuals. This may be used on its own or in conjunction with mediation or another service.

The purpose of Conflict Coaching is to help you understand how to manage your own conflict. It is designed to build your confidence and equip you with personal skills to help you deal with difficult situations in the workplace and elsewhere.

Sessions are tailored to your needs and we’ll agree how many you need to start with. If you need further sessions we can discuss this and agree your framework of support.

Our sessions take place remotely, unless agreed otherwise.


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email us: Mark@de-fusco.com

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